Brenda Kozsan

Director of the Clarkson School
Brenda  Kozsan Headshot


I am the Director of The Clarkson School. I teach First Year Seminar, serve as the College Advisor and also offer a UNIV399 - Global Experience class with a trip abroad during the spring semesters. I love working with and helping students!! I have spent my past 30+ years at Clarkson teaching in the Reh School of Business, serving as the Director of Graduate Business Programs, directing programs aimed at high school students and spending almost 20 years of my career at TCS.  I have an undergraduate degree in marketing research and an MBA.

Courses Taught

PE100 - First Year Seminar focusing on "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful College Students"
UNIV399 - Global Experience (includes a trip abroad)

  • Traveled with students to Italy, Germany, Ireland, France, Czech Republic, Spain and the French Riviera.

MK320 - Principles of Marketing
MK332 - Marketing Research
OS286 - Organizational Behavior
OS432 - Organizational Policy and Strategy
Project Challenge Program courses: "Emerging Leaders 101", "Becoming a Master Student" and "Tools for Success in School and Beyond"


Clarkson University Outstanding Advisor Award
Phalanx Commendable Service Award - Three year Recipient
Clarkson School Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award



Office Phone Number: 315/268-4330

Office Location: 2106 Price Hall

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5650