SAE Clean Snowmobile SPEED Team

SAE Clean Snowmobile SPEED Team

Build a next-gen snowmobile for an environmentally friendly, quiet ride.

Clarkson SAE Clean Snowmobile is one of many SPEED (Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design) project teams offered at Clarkson University for undergraduate and graduate students. Using the engineering skills of Clarkson students, our goal is to create a cleaner, quieter, and more fuel efficient snowmobile for the average consumer. Being an almost 100% student run team, we are able to fully experience a professional engineering environment, while still being able to lean on Clarkson staff for guidance.

About Clean Snowmobile

Our team has been competing in the Clean Snowmobile SAE Challenge since 2001. We are mostly mechanical engineers but accept anyone from any major who wants to learn valuable skills about design, mechanics, and teamwork. Every member of our team helps in achieving the overall goals of the SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge.

Why Join the Clean Snowmobile Team?

Our team goes to Eagle River, Wisconsin to compete against colleges nationwide every year. The competition lasts for one week in March where we run our sled through several different events. The goal is to have the cleanest and quietest snowmobile that can still perform as a crossover sled. During the competition you can view each team's sled and see the unique ideas and engineering each team brings to the competition. Everyone at the competition is very friendly and shares the same passion about learning and engineering. The competition also holds a career fair during the week where big companies like Polaris, Cummins, Ford, Milwaukee Tool etc. send representatives to come see the work and ideas that we have. In past competitions, many companies have been very impressed with students and have offered some interviews and even jobs following the competition. It’s great for networking and showing off our ability to work well in a team to achieve a goal.

Our team has decided to go with Polaris Matrix Voyager for this years build. Being in the Spark Ignition Class, we must have a marketed utility chassis. Polaris has been kind enough to sponsor and donate a chassis for us. We have integrated a 3 way catalytic conveyor and currently working on incorporating a turbo into our engine.

Polaris ProStar S4 Engine —

This engine is a four stroke gas engine that is 1000cc. 

The Student Prototyping Machine Shop at Clarkson University is your one-stop shop for any design and fabrication needs.

Most actively used for SPEED (Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design) competitions, all students have access to the Student Prototyping Machine Shop's state-of-the-art facilities. Use the shop's equipment and resources to build the vital piece for your team competition. Test and experiment with your own devices. Complete projects for courses that involve design. Take the idea of a hands-on education at its most literal level and see what you can achieve.

Contact Clean Snowmobile

Here’s where we are and how to get in touch:

Clarkson University SAE Clean Snowmobile
8 Clarkson Ave
Potsdam, NY 13699


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